Scanning a world of endless possibilities

Do you love trying new things but never know what to do? Or whenever you learn anything new, do you immediately quit? If so, perhaps you have a ‘scanner personality’ (don’t worry – expat life might be a perfect fit for your fast-moving, freewheeling mind).

Defining the term

“Scanners are collectors of knowledge. They are smart, curious and creative. They love taking on new challenges. They’re also fast learners and pick things up quickly but… they also move on quickly!” says coach Nicole Goedecke. “A scanner doesn’t care for routines and they don’t like focusing on one topic for long; they think that 24 hours in a day is not long enough to do everything they want. But they also struggle to decide on what to do next, often because they feel like they can do anything!”

How they’re seen

“Scanners may be viewed by others as flaky, because they move from one job or passion to another all the time. From the outside their lives might appear chaotic and unstructured. But from another perspective, their versatility and many talents can be seen as a strength,” says Nicole. “The problem for scanners is that they may not know they are scanners. They might wonder why they can’t be like people who have a clear focus and vocation…”

Embrace opportunities

“I have worked with some expat partners who didn’t realise that they had a scanner personality. Once they had that moment of self-discovery it was an empowering moment. They realised that is who they are and it’s okay to have eclectic interests,” says Nicole. “I also believe expat life is well-suited to scanners because you can find a nice mix of pursuits – say, a volunteering role, a part-time job, a creative hobby or a passion project. You are free to embrace a broad range of opportunities and satisfy your curiosity.”

Recommended reading

Does all of this sound familiar? If you think you’re a scanner, and are curious to learn more, Nicole recommends reading I Could Do Anything If Only I Knew What It Was, written by the late Barbara Sher, who described scanners as ‘renaissance men and women, eclectic experts, happy amateurs and delighted dilettantes’. “If you are a scanner, Sher’s words will be very reassuring and insightful, especially if you have long thought that there is something wrong with you,” says Nicole. “You will soon start to see that being a scanner is an exceptional gift!”

This article was originally published for the thousands of expat partners that Global Connection supports around the globe. It is reproduced here in its original form.

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